Fashion,  Lifestyle,  Road cycling

“We ride under the same sky.”

About the Girls on Bike in Prague for All Black Cycling Club.

AHOY! My name is Jana Travnickova and I started „Holky na kole v Praze“ = Girls on Bikes in Prague movement. My motto is: “Cycling changed my life! What about you?” The goal is to encouraging more of us girls to start using a bicycle in the city as a micromobile vehicle and lifestyle.

I come from a small town in the Czech Republic. My cycling story begins on a child’s seat of my mum’s old-school bike, which I am still riding when visiting my parents back home in Moravia. So, it’s really an old vehicle! As a child, I spent all my days playing outside, riding my bicycle and exploring the hidden gems of town. Causing troubles all the time, and of course fighting for my rights  I come from simple background, so we had only one beige colored carSkoda 120 L with the rear engine. It smelled badly and caused me nausea. Hence I always suffered from car sickness since I was a little girl. This most likely probably led me to not liking cars much and therefore starting to really like bikes.

My First experience with cycling in the real city traffic was back then when I was living and working in the Netherlands – the mecca for city cycling.

Now, I am 34, living my adult-life in the capital of Prague and I am fighting for my rights again  Driven by my ambitious goal to get together all the cycling women from the town and establishing our girl’s cycling gang.

I do care about the city and country where I live and I believe micromobility is an important topic on personal but also on global level. For the city rides I use my 80‘s steel frame Jungherz (meansYoungHeart) made in Germany, which I have bought on the flea market in Pilsen several years ago. It was the best buy in my life andstill is! And for my fancier and more sport rides I have got vintage steel frame Giant custom built by my boyfriend as “neo-retro” with modern components.

I am very glad to be a part of this community and I like the motto “We ride under the same sky” so much! Pakoreq is definitely a cool guy with great ideas and I hope one day we’ll meet in person.

“For all the girls managing Prague daily in the saddle.”

“For all the girls who aren’t pedaling yet.”

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All Black Cycling Club